AWFS Committee Members

The committee currently has 5 members representing 5 states with replacement members continually being added when committee members move on to ensure each state maintains representation. The committee meets via video conference on a needs come basis - usually when major or key decisions have to be discussed and voted upon. The coordinator liaises with individual members, runs the meetings and records notes of proceedings. Any member can call a meeting. Public enquiries can be made via Past members have continued to serve the group by acting as talent scouts in their respective states.

Past Committee Members

The AWFS is a community group run voluntarily to benefit walking football players in their 70s. Due to the pressures of time and work some of the original committee members have had to step out of the committee but all are still very much involved in assisting where they can - usually to help identify players in their region with outstanding talent who they believe selectors should note to be considered for selection to the core squad.